A guide to heal your gut fast -after the holidays

2. Schedule on/off days on your calendar.

"Its critical not to punish yourself after overindulging and overeatingthe added stress wont help anything, including your digestion," Lukyanovsky advises. Examine your calendar and mark the days filled with holiday parties and gift exchanges as off-limits in terms of overindulging (its unavoidable). Then, on the days in between, adhere to your usual, healthy meal planschanges in your diet may swiftly shift your microbiome, so getting your diet back on track is well worth the effort, and you might feel better after just a few days of eating healthily, according to Kinney.

3. Stick to wine if youre going to drink.

Since drinking alcohol will raise inflammation in your body, you should grab for good ole water as often as possible. But, realistically, if youre going to drink, your best bet is to go for the lesser of two evils. Eggnog should be consumed in moderation. According to Lukyanovsky, many people are intolerant to dairy and are unaware of it. And, as Judge points out, the carbonation in cocktails and sparkling waters can worsen bloating. Your best chance is wine, but stick to pure vinomulled wine is sometimes filled with
sweet additives. (If youre interested, heres the definitive truth about red wines health benefits.)
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